Early menstruation associated with Age

Posted by uP_Peace | Posted in | Posted on 4:10 AM

Menstruation (menarche) that appears early age is generally attributed to short. Similarly, published by American Journal of Epidermiology.

In a lengthy study conducted over 37 years by 61 thousand Norwegian women born between the late 1800s and 1920s. The researchers found that women who begin menstruation earlier have a risk of death more quickly.

Found that those who were menstruating at the age of 10 years / 11 years, at risk of death 10% faster than the women who started menstruating at the age of 14 years. Conversely, women who experienced the first menstruation at the age of 15 years and over have a risk of dying young is lower. This remains valid after socioeconomic factors and body weight also considered.

The research team believes that several factors not measured in this study, such as smoking and exercise habits, participate in the selected result. Intensive activity is known to delay or disrupt the menstrual cycle.

The researchers speculate again, there is the possibility of slower periods reflect a woman are biologically younger than actual age.

Another study showed that girls in western countries is now faster than ever before menstruation. Generally, the average age of menstruation was 12 years old. The researchers believe that one reason is the higher rate of children who are overweight (body fat helps trigger and maintain the menstrual cycle).

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