Posted by uP_Peace | Posted in Unique | Posted on 10:39 AM

Havana - A Cuban citizen, last Wednesday, breaking the world record with a 45.38-meter long cigar. This is his world record breaking fourth.
Man named Jose Castelar, breaking the record set in its own name in 2005, which is making cigars over 20.41 meters. Castelar also promised to continue to improve the record of his Guinness World record.
"I will continue to do so until all the Malecon," he said as quoted by AFP on Thursday (05/07/2009). Malecon is the way to the edge of the sea along the 10 km of the famous in Havana.
65-year-old man claimed to have started making cigars since the age of 14 years. Although the profession to make cigars, Castelar admitted smoking just one cigarette a day.
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